Transform your New-Years resolutions into committed action for the year ahead.

Ever felt like the New Year suddenly appears and hits you with a wave of guilt, with all the 'things you haven't done' knocking you off your feet? Sometimes abandoning any idea of self-improvement provides a low and fail-safe bar!
I used to feel this way, however in more recent years, I have taken onboard some key information from experts in two main areas: 1. Burnout prevention, and 2. Core emotional needs, which has been transformative, culminating in a steadier, values-driven, and more focussed journey through each year.
I wanted to share my process, which incorporates this information, and provides a scaffold for developing your own map. Take what speaks to you, and make it your own.
Here’s my process for my own Personal Wellbeing Map:
Schedule annual health-related appointments
Check in on core emotional needs (are there current gaps in protection; love, nurturing, attention and empathy; acceptance and delight; autonomy; spontaneity and play; realistic limits?) and use this self-audit to guide you as you develop your map
Make concrete plans for emotional health (coaching, supervisor, counselling/psychology, time with friends)
Set a focus for physical health (one more walk? Try a new class? Drink more water?)
Reflect on your values, spiritual conviction or character formation (deepen? change focus? let go of something? Set yourself some limits?)
Map out holidays and personal retreats (don’t neglect yourself here if you’re part of a family!)
Your map is a live document; keep it somewhere accessible, and come back to it often when faced with choices, times of change and adjustment, and even changes in your mood. It's a great tool to help keep you steady.
'You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream'. C.S. Lewis
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